The Japanese are very fond of sushi. But, they do not eat as much sushi as most people think. Sushi in Japan accounts for less than 15% of Japanese cuisine.
The Japanese cuisine has so many dishes and food styles that there is always something new to try. The Japanese people try their best to eat as varied as possible so when the day is over they have been through the entire diet pyramid.
Sushi is a dish that the Japanese like to spend som time to enjoy therefore it is not eaten on a busy day. Like so many others sushi is often eaten in weekends.
Read more about Sushi chef & sake sommelier Zoë Escher
Zoë has held sushi courses and cooking classes for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.