How big is the selection of fish for sushi in Europe?

Denmark is a small country with about 5 mio citizens compared to Japan where only 20 million citizens in Tokyo.

Since Denmark is a small country the demand for fish is small too.

In Japan it is very normal that there are approximately 20 different high quality  fish on the menu in a Japanese sushi restaurant. In Denmark most people know of tuna, whitefish, salmon and prawns for sushi.

Denmark do have national high quality fish which are not used for sushi. I do not know why. But the Danish people will miss out unique flavors because they can never try different types of fish during a meal.

At Sushi course for beginners I will speak more about fish for sushi.

Zoë has held sushi courses and cooking classes for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.