In what way does Japanese cuisine differ from the rest of the world?

Okinawa Miso Soup - Super Food
Japanese cuisine is quite unique in several different ways.
It is almost tailored to those who are interested in health and what is good for the body without compromising on taste. Japanese cuisine is put together in such a way that it either detoxifies or nourishes the body.

Yep, that is true. The Japanese are very conscious about what they eat. This is one of the main reasons why the Japanese are the people in the world who live the longest.

Going all-in and eating like the Japanese is hard.
The Japanese have a completely different view of diet and, their diet pyramid looks very different. A classic Japanese meal often consists of 10-12 small dishes. Dishes that contain fish, meat, vegetables and soybeans prepared in several different ways.

The Japanese are good at boosting health in small ways. Here I also think about what they drink during the day.

Miso or fermented soybeans are a regular part of Japanese cuisine. It is a raw material that is not to be missed. It is super food that in the right contexts boosts health. I know that most people live a busy life, but at the same time have a desire to live a healthy life.

For them, I have put together a 14-day course where you boost your health with healthy and nutritious soups. It is a process that matches a busy everyday life.

Read more about 14-day Okinawa miso soup – super food

Zoë has lectured and held sushi courses for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.

Boost your health with 14 days of Okinawa miso soup – Super food!

Okinawa Miso Soup - Super Food
Spring is here and just in a little while summer is waiting around the corner.

Like most others, I need to boost my health with sun light and healthy food.
It looks like spring is here to stay with days filled with blue cloudless sky with warm rays of the sun.

Like my home, it’s time for a spring clean.
After a long winter, my body gets an extra boost of nourishing and healthy vitamins. There I always turn to Japanese cuisine.

Basically, Japanese cuisine is composed in a way that either detoxifies or nourishes the body. Japanese cuisine is divided in such a way that some restaurants make dishes that are adapted to a busy everyday life, while other restaurants offer dinners that can be enjoyed over several hours on the weekend.

Especially on busy weekdays, the body may need an extra loving boost.
That is why I have made a 14-day course where you can give the body renewed energy with quite a few raw materials.
It is a course that you will receive by email and download to your computer.

Read more about 14 day Okinawa miso soup – Super food

Zoë has lectured and held sushi courses for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.

Strengthen your health and prevent cancer

Yep, it is possible to strengthen your health without consuming ​​several different supplements.

There are many people including myself who want to enhance their health. The older I get the more conscious I become about living healthier ie. to have healthy diets and exercise several times a week.

And with age, women’s focus is especially on breast cancer prevention.

Okinawa miso soup is a unique experience that fits a busy everyday life. Yes, it takes no more than 10 minutes to make a miso soup. It is an experience where you can boost your health with vitamins and minerals by drinking a cup of hot and delicate soup miso soup.

In Japan, drinking a cup of hot miso soup at day ten is very common. By drinking a cup of miso soup I prevent cancer and other lifestyle diseases. Read more about the Okinawa miso soup -Super food

Zoë has held sushi courses and cooking classes for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.

How to strengthen your immune system and prevent diseases!

Through our life we cannot avoid the body gets affected from what you eat.

We can get pesticides through what we eat or drink. It can also be the environment that affects the body in different ways. Sometimes your body needs a break.

The Japanese pay attention that in a way that the Japanese cuisine either charges the body or nourish the body.

Like so many others, the Japanese live a busy life a week filled with many hours of work, family and leisure activities. Unfortunately, they do not always have time to change the diet or go on a diet.

Instead, they drink a soup where the individual Japanese ingredients, raw materials and vegetables are boost your health.

Okinawa miso soup – Super food is an experience that serves as a supplement to today’s meals.

I have developed a unique 14 days miso soup experience where you get your health boosted.

During the 14 days you will, among other things, get your immune system strengthened, strengthened your digestion, regulate physics and add lots of antioxidants to your body.

Read more about Okinawa Miso Soup – Super Food

Zoë has held sushi courses and cooking classes for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.

Okinawa Miso Soup

The classic Japanese cuisine is unique and different to the rest of the world.

The Japanese people are very conscious of what they eat.  In the Japanese cusine each individual dishes are composed in such a way that they either detox the body or feed the body.

There is a reason why the population of Okinawa is the longest-lived population in the world.

I have developed a unique 14 days miso soup experience where you get your health boosted. During the 14 days you will, among other things, Get your immune system strengthened, detox your body and add lots of antioxidants to your body.

The soup do also prevents cancer and improve your digestion.

Read more about what you get out of Okinawa miso soup in 14 days.

Zoë has held sushi courses and cooking classes for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.

Okinawa miso soup is a healthy way to detox your body!

There are several different ways to detox the body.

Some years ago it was very popular to go on a fruit diet which typically lasted a few days. Some were happy with the diet others were decided poorly by eating fruit for several days.

Most people know about detox diet for example you drink different juices over 3-7 days. Juice diet can be a little difficult to implement since you will not be satisfied the same way as if you are eating a meal.

Like so many others I live a busy life. To make a radical change to my diet for a period of time to detox my body is not something I am fan of.

I am also in favor of detoxing the body but I prefer to boost my health at the same time.

That’s why I have developed a 14-day Okinawa miso soup experience where I detox my body, boost my health and prevent a variety of lifestyle diseases and cancer at the same time.

You can read more about the Okinawa miso soup course here

Zoë has held sushi courses and cooking classes for A. P. Moller – Maersk, Hugo Boss Nordic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Velux, Gorrissen Federspiel, Beierholm revision, Elbek & Vejrup and many more.